How You Can Help

Selkirk School is a non-profit, independent school whose success depends upon the participation and contributions of valued community members. We invite you to volunteer time in the classrooms, donate services, and participate in work parties and fundraising. Every effort–no matter how big or small–is appreciated, and contributes toward creating a nurturing and supportive environment for our children.

Use E-scrip
The E-scrip program is an easy way to contribute to Selkirk School every time you shop. Participating retailers give a percentage of your purchases directly to the school. Signing up is easy: just go to In our community, Yokes is the main retailer accessible on the site. Yokes also has a card, which you can ask for at the store. Then go to the site to register the card number with escrip. The school can do this for you if you prefer. Distant relatives can sign up too.  This is a great way for them to support your child’s school from afar. You can support Selkirk School via Amazon Smiles by following the link posted on this page.

You can make a monetary donation using the posted PayPal link at top. Or, if you want to help the school in a very material way, please consider a donation of one of the items from our ongoing Wish List. All donations are tax deductible. We always welcome help with both facility and grounds maintenance for our 4-acre property.

Fundraising allows us to keep our tuition affordable, and ensures the financial viability of the school. Every year we rely on fundraising to cover large expenses such as facility and grounds improvements, and staff enrichment. Parents are essential to the success of our two main fundraisers. In the Fall we celebrate the season with our Annual Giving Campaign. Spring brings the wildly fun Spring Fundraiser dinner with a Silent Auction, Live Auction, and Dessert Dash.