Daily Schedule – Selkirk School of Sandpoint, Idaho

Daily Schedule

Here are the typical routines for our classes:


Threeschool is a 3 day program: Wed-Fri

8:10-8:25 Arrival
8:30 Nature exploration/outside games
9:00 Circle time
9:15 Activities: painting, baking, sharing
9:45 Snack
10:00 Choice time
10:35 Clean up
10:45 Rest and story
11:10 Outside time
12:00 Lunch, followed by story
12:25 Activities: sensory play, group games, fine motor crafts
1:00 Dismissal



Preschool is offered Mon-Thur (4 day option)
or Mon-Wed (3 day option)

8:10-8:25 Arrival and table activities
8:30 Circle, songs, finger-plays, weather
9:00  Choice Time
10:00 Clean up and snack
10:30 Outside Time, hike
11:15 Rest, read aloud
11:30 Special Projects (painting, science, cooking)
12:00 Lunch
12:30 Special Projects (movement, games, sharing)
1:00 Dismissal


Pre-K is 4 day program: Mon-Thur (5th day optional)
Kindergarten is a 5 day program: Mon-Fri

8:10-8:25 Arrival, independent work and activities
8:30 Circle, calendar
9:00 Language arts, groups and choice
10:00 Clean-up, non-fiction read-aloud, snack time
10:30 Outside time
11:10 Rest and fiction read aloud
11:30 Math
12:10 Book Time: independently looking at/reading books
12:35: Activities: Music, Art, Science, Cooperative games, drama
1:00 Dismissal